New Hemodialysis Center – Hôpital Régional de Bafoussam – Western Region. Cameroon.

Hôpital Régional de Bafoussam is situated within the western region of Cameroon. Over the past years, Hôpital Régional de Bafoussam disposed of an unequipped building dedicated for a dialysis center for the Western Region. Patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease had to travel averagely 300km to Bamenda or Buea dialysis centers for treatment or relocate with […]
New Hemodialysis Center – Hôpital Régional de Ngaoundéré – Adamawa Region. Cameroon.

Hôpital Régional de Ngaoundéré is situated within the city of Ngaoundéré – the capital city of the Adamawa Region. It is an important communications hub linking the South of Cameroon with the Northern part of the country. Over the past years, patients in the Adamawa Region diagnosed with chronic kidney disease had to travel averagely 450km […]